Sunday, July 6, 2008

Being Little and having Autism

Well this is a subject that I have dabeted about blogging about due to my own stage of denial, which probably is not uncommon for any parent who has a child with any kind of disabilities...Why because they are our Children every bit of them is precious and perfect even if they have a disabilities. You see what im trying to get out and vent about is because my son not only was dianosed as a little person this past March With having Hypochondroplasia, but has also showen Signs as to having Autism..and alli can do is cry thinking what Did I DO to my baby when i have 2 other children who appear to have a "normal" life there i go I hate that Word and yet Im Using it. Lately I have to admitt I have been living the "FAKE IT TO MAKE IT" Not just for my feelings but our feelings as a family. Now anyone who knows about Hypos
they tend to have learning Disabilities anyway but to Hear Autism That can be Alot to take in. And Jaden has Autism. You probably wonder why this Upsets me well the only way i can explaine it is you watch your child grow and start doig things devlopmentaly right for his age learning wise such as counting, pointing to body parts and singing and not having temper tantrums and as far as playing with toys we don't really play with toys and we climb with out the fear of danger. and our Language is just not there. So in stead of denial which will Only hurt jaden and not help him deal wih is everyday problems i want to potty train Jaden but when your not able to speak its kinda hard to tell someone you need to go or what you want. so Im making Pictures of things that he can point to and let us know what he wants/needs later this week I will show you a post and pics of the take long picto's for jaden to communicate. and ill give a breif post on how this form of commuication process works till the next time keep Blogging and keep reading becaue support and comments not only help but encourage others.


Kim said...

My heart goes out to you. Have you had Jaden evaluated? Some children show signs of autism and others truly do have different forms. (My cousin is 6 and autistic but has full language, but is obsessive about things).
I truly hope that you are able to get the answers you need. If you ever need to talk or vent, please feel free. And no one will ever judge you for your feelings!

Tonya said...

I understand!! Jacob tends to get fixed on things and once his mind is on it, forget anything else! Jaden has a great mom who is doing the best for him!! Don't worry, it will all come together!

Mandy said...

I will be praying for you and your family.
Don't worry you are his mom and you are doing the best you know how.
I won't judge you on your feelings and no one else should.